Restart in the Trade Show Sector: Our Upcoming Events

With the end of the summer break, September marks the full resumption of activities in the trade show sector. Before moving forward to the upcoming fairs and events in 2024, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect on the successes achieved by Manaly, carefully plan new goals, and discover the events that await us.

Continue reading the article to discover the latest updates in the trade show sector!

Manaly: What Milestones Have We Achieved?

In recent months, Manaly has worked intensively to promote business growth and professional development within the team.

  • Revenue Increase: We are proud to have recorded a 15% increase compared to August 2023. This result reflects our continuous commitment to improving our processes and services in the trade show sector.
  • Sustainability: We have invested in sustainability training, starting to calculate our environmental impact and focusing on waste and scrap materials. We are working to integrate recycling practices and reusable products into our production processes, involving all departments in this green journey. If you’re interested in learning more about sustainability, click here!
  • Personal Growth and Business Efficiency: Among various operations, the purchase of new machinery and the new layout of the workshop will allow us to optimize workflows, reduce waste, and improve space management. In the logistics department, we are also pursuing the goal of optimizing business processes and implementing more streamlined and efficient management.
    These initiatives aim to bring concrete improvements, both qualitative and quantitative, in the management of the company and the creation of value for our customers.

Upcoming Trade Show Events: What’s Ahead?

Looking to the future, Manaly is ready for a series of unmissable moments in the trade show sector.

Among the most important fairs, Lineapelle Milano, the international reference for the leather and accessories sectors, and  Vicenzaorostand out, where Manaly will set up the west square, the entrance to the fair, with the seven monoliths for the 70th anniversary of the event. To find out more, read our case study by clicking here!

Other events to mark include TFWA Cannes (duty-free and travel retail), CPHI Milano (pharmaceutical market), Sial Paris (food industry), BIMU (mechanical/industrial), EIMA (agriculture and gardening), Medica (medical sector), and SPS Nuremberg (automation).

Regarding events, Manaly will play a leading role in the realization of several significant ones. Let’s take a look together!

  • The exhibition  “Illustri, Saranno Illustri, Maestri Illustri part of the Illustri Festival, regularly transforms iconic locations in Vicenza, such as the Basilica Palladiana, into vibrant art scenes. Manaly is proud to collaborate once again on this initiative. To see what we created in the previous edition, you can click here!
  • The exhibition for the 250th anniversary of the Guardia di Finanza, which will be hosted at Palazzo Madama in Turin. After the success of the previous edition held at the Vittoriano in Rome, Manaly renews its collaboration with the Guardia di Finanza. You can read all the details about the exhibition by clicking here!
  • The Caseus event, founded in 2005 to celebrate the skill and passion of Italian cheese producers. On this occasion, too, Manaly will be involved in the organization, overseeing the design and setup of the Veneto Agricoltura booth and its subsidiaries. Want to learn more about the event’s history? Take a look by clicking here.

For Manaly, an intense period full of challenges and significant moments lies ahead. We are ready to face the upcoming trade show events and the next events with the same professionalism and attention that have always set us apart.

Did you find this article on the revival of the trade show sector helpful? If you’re interested in creating a trade show booth or event or if you need information on this topic, Manaly is at your disposal—contact us!