Logistics for stands and events: Manaly’s approach

In the field of trade show and event setup, logistics play a key role in creating quality displays. Stands and events undoubtedly represent great opportunities for branding and growth for companies, but they are often challenging in terms of management and transportation.

In the following paragraphs, we will explain how we at Manaly handle logistics for stands and events, also striving to optimize costs, movements, and productivity flows. Keep reading the article!

Logistics for stands and events: the importance of planning

When it comes to logistics for trade show stands and events, three concepts emerge as fundamental: flexibility, dynamism, and above all, planning. These principles guide every phase of our work at Manaly and are particularly important when working with customized projects. For us, every job is a unique project that requires tailored management.

The logistics process for trade show stands and events begins with careful and thorough planning. This preliminary phase is crucial to organizing movements and transportation in the best possible way. From these early stages, it is necessary to adopt a flexible mindset that is open to unforeseen circumstances, to be ready to respond quickly and with concrete solutions to any obstacles that may arise.

Through discussions with the heads of various departments, priorities are established based on deadlines, production times, and staff availability. At the same time, the operational site plan is developed, which includes the logistical planning of vehicles and personnel, travel arrangements, hotel bookings, flights, and other organizational aspects.

Accurate planning and effective preparation ensure that those working on-site, in the field, can operate in the best conditions. Our planning, therefore, cannot follow a rigid industrial model but must be dynamic and flexible in its operational details.

Do you want to learn about all the other stages necessary for creating a stand in detail? Find out by clicking here!

The warehouse: a strategic ally for successful stands

The warehouse plays a central role in our logistics strategy for stands and events. It is not just a storage space but an operational center that significantly contributes to the effective management of projects. In a sector where stands often need to be transported between different cities, countries, or trade shows, an efficient warehouse becomes a key resource.

Having a warehouse available offers several benefits. Let’s look at some of them together!

– Cost and movement reduction: storing materials in a single centralized location helps reduce transportation expenses and minimize unnecessary movements.
– More efficient planning: having a single reference point for storage helps in planning and generally in managing projects and orders.
– Material preservation: the warehouse allows for the safe and optimal storage of equipment and materials needed for assembly. It also serves as a storage area for stands; at the client’s request, here at Manaly, we can store the stand in our warehouse.

The future of logistics for stands and events at Manaly: innovation and development

All departments of Manaly, including the logistics area, are at the center of an innovation process aimed at making management increasingly “lean,” that is, more efficient and functional. This improvement journey is already underway and continues to evolve, starting with the training courses we are undertaking with Gianesin, Canepari & Partners.

This commitment to training allows us to continuously improve our processes and guarantee high-quality service at all stages of the job.

Did you find this article on logistics for stands and events useful? If you are interested in creating a trade show stand or event, know that we will support you from start to finish with your project. Don’t hesitate to contact us!